The Story of Our Garden
Our garden is our passion and the reason this site exists. Hopefully these pictures give you some ideas and a feel for how you can develop your garden to create a tropical look.
A bit about ourselves and our journey so far...
It started in 2017 when our garden was very much a blank canvas, apart from the solitary, triple trunk cordyline, which the previous neighbours had planted. We added our first tree fern in 2018 and our first palm was a Trachycarpus wagnerianus, which was a surprise birthday present for my partner Lewis. It seems that waggie has an awful lot to answer for, looking back.
We now have 20+ tree ferns and 20+ palms, colocasias, bananas, hedychiums, tetrapanax, agaves, succulents, along with too many other plants to list. In essence, this has become a complete addiction and so our garden is very much a work in progress, with new additions always finding a space.
Sadly, the harsh and early, prolonged frosts in December 2022 meant we lost a few of our plants, and damage to many others. We lost quite a few propagations also, which has meant us having to buy in a few extras for the launch of our new site, and consequently, has limited some of our stock.
Please do bear with us as we make amendments to our new site, as this, like our garden, is ever evolving.
Many thanks for reading and we hope you enjoy browsing our site.
Nicky and Lewis

Trachycarpus 'Waggie' - the palm that has a lot to answer for.

Tetrapanax papyrifer
Aeonium arboreum 'Zwartkopf'

Dicksonia antarctica
Agave americana marginata

Colocasia gaoligongensis
'Black Pearl'
esculenta 'Fontanesii'